mint a chatpunks NFT to your MetaMask Ethereum wallet

What will you roll?

random minting of an NFT based on hash DNA parameters

Total Supply: 10,000


METAMASK connected


Price each (ETH)



(Mint up to 20 at a time)



Welcome to ChatPunks

ChatPunks is an NFT collection of 10,000 punks on the Ethereum Blockchain. The ChatPunks vision is to help users build their Metaverse identity with verifiable + sellable assets and we're starting with a Web3 chat app. See Roadmap and Whitepaper for more details and to learn more about the first Web3 NFT chat app.

random roll chatpunk nft on the ethereum blockchain
mint your own chatpunk nft and participate in the first web3 chat application
chatpunks nft collection aims to fund a platform to develop your own metaverse identity with a web3 chat application based on the ethereum blockchain
chatpunks are randomly rolled NFTs on the ethereum blockchain
White Paper

ChatPunks Owner Privileges:

Beta Access to MetaYak, the Web3 blockchain-driven chat platform

Gold CheckMark next to NFT profile photo on MetaYak

ChatPunk Accessories -- add a Chat Bubble accessory token to your ChatPunk NFT


Build your Metaverse identity. We’re creating a Web3 chat where users can communicate wallet-to-wallet. Chat with any wallet address on the ETH Blockchain. Also reserve a NFT username, use an NFT as your profile picture, and display your NFT art from your wallet in your Profile GaLlery.

the ChatPunks vision is to become the first metaverse chat platform
the ChatPunks vision is to become the first metaverse chat platform


Each ChatPunk holder will get a gold checkmark next to their profile picture. Only 10,000 gold checkmarks will ever exist representing the first users on the chat platform. Also some ChatPunk owners will be able to add chat bubble NFTs to their punk in the form of a blockchain accessory token.


Chat Bubbles can be added as a blockchain accessory token to your ChatPunk. They are meant to be expressive, give your punk more character, and to be a literal symbol of the Web3 chat being built for our community. You can hide your Chat Bubble or make it visible at anytime bu using our Accessory Manager. There will be 2500 Chat Bubbles for sale with different words. List can be found here.

the ChatPunks vision is to become the first metaverse chat platform
the ChatPunks vision is to become the first metaverse chat platform


Our first MVP will allow users to connect to ChatPunks through MetaMask. Users will be able to select 1 NFT as their profile photo and up to 10 from their wallet to populate their gallery. You can also follow other accounts and have text based chats between one another.

Mint Now


The Chat Bubble accessory combined with a ChatPunk is a way to express your Web3 Chat and Metaverse identity.

chatpunks chat bubbles are blockchain token accessories that attach to your ChatPunk NFT
chatpunk viewer prototype view
chatpunks product roadmap